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What We Do

Our members meet for a maximum of one hour, four times a year. Members can nominate a charity of their choice. Once the charity has been qualified it will be added to the “Charity Basket”. At the beginning of every meeting, three charities will be chosen. The member who nominated the charity will then give a five-minute presentation on why he thinks this charity should receive the funds from the group. 


Our Approach

At the end of the three presentations, our members will cast a secret ballot for their choice of charity. The charity who receives the most votes will be awarded the members’ funds. Each member writes a cheque to the charity for $100, which translate into $10,000 or more. The selected charity will then send out individual tax receipts to each member. It’s that simple and that powerful!


Karen Dunigan always found it interesting that one of her greatest ideas was born from something as simple and basic as baby cribs. It was during lunch one day in 2006 in Jackson, Michigan with executive leadership from the Center for Family Health, where other fundraising matters were being discussed, that the Center’s CEO mentioned a need she learned about at a staff meeting earlier that morning regarding new mothers and portable cribs. Karen’s ears perked and she told the CEO that would be something she would like to know more about and another lunch was scheduled to specifically discuss the need.

As Karen began thinking about Center for Family Health’s need, she knew there had to be a way to quickly and easily meet the financial request of $10,000 that was presented. With all of her involvement in the community, Karen knew she could call ten people and ask them to write $1,000 checks, but she also figured she knew 100 women who would each give $100. She began making phone calls and scheduled a meeting. At that first meeting, in one hour, a group of Karen’s friends heard the story and each wrote checks to the Center for Family Health, resulting in a $12,800 donation, more than requested, to supply new mothers with the simplest need: a crib.

Karen recognized that she was on to something special and that it too was in its own infancy and needed to be nurtured to grow. She founded the first 100+ Women Who Care and scheduled quarterly meetings. The rules were simple, any member could present a need in the community, the need had to be immediate and the money had to remain local. The idea was that a worthy cause benefits many in the community.

Inspired by the work the 100+ Women Who Care Oceanside we saw a need for the men to join the approximately 600 Chapters who are giving back to their communities across North America.  For more information on the origins please visit the 100 Who Care Alliance.


Become A Member

By joining 100  Fine Gentlemen Who Give A Damn  you are making a commitment to donate $100, four times a year. For more information on being a member please visit our Members page


Upcoming Meetings

Join us at Morning Star Golf Club 525 Lowrys Road, Parksville. Please ensure that you have joined our membership by filling out the MEMBERSHIP FORM prior to the meeting

March 6th, 2024

Quarterly meeting to select an Oceanside Charity to be the recipient of 100 Men Oceanside’s generosity. Come and join us for “Guy Time” Have a drink and meet your fellow Gentlemen.

June 5th, 2024

Quarterly meeting to select an Oceanside Charity to be the recipient of 100 Men Oceanside’s generosity. See you at 7PM 

September 4th, 2024

We have moved  to Morningstar Golf Club. Join us for the Quarterly meeting to select an Oceanside Charity to be the recipient of 100 Men Oceanside’s generosity. See you at 7PM 

November 6th, 2024

For Our Community

Find out about what charities our members have supported, and how to find information on Oceanside charities.

Members Area

Thank you for joining us. On this page, you will find out what to expect at our meetings, how to nominate a charity, presentation tips and what to do if you are unable to attend a meeting.

Our Office

125 Maple Crescent
Parksville, BC V9P 1L1

Contact Us

(250) 951-6420

Office Hours

Mon-Fri: 9am - 5pm
Sat-Sun: Closed

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